Name Mark Mitchem
Office Sought State Senate
Party Affiliation Republican
District 8
City/Town Clay
The US Supreme Court will decide Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization this summer, which some have speculated may overturn Roe v. Wade. If there were no Constitutional protections for abortion, what do you think West Virginia's abortion policies should be?
I believe that a woman should have the right to abort the baby if and only if she was raped or it's a health risk to the mother and baby.
Several West Virginia municipalities have passed ordinances that expand the definition of racial discrimination to include discriminating against traditional or natural hair textures and styles. Would you support expanding this protection statewide? Why or why not?
Yes, because everyone has the right to choose what they can do, And it doesn't matter their race, nationality, sex identification, or hair texture. I do not agree with discrimination in anyway shape or form.
Many states have created laws that seek to limit the teaching of "divisive concepts" or "critical race theory". West Virginia narrowly missed passing a similar law during the 2022 Legislative Session. What is the value or harm in teaching these topics and what role should the legislature play in determining this curriculum?
First, No I do not think schools should be teaching our future generations about racism and how to be sexist (divisive concepts). Children are the most undiscriminating people in this world. They don't look at the color of the other kids'skin or if they are male or female. They accept everyone for who they are, not what they look like. This country needs to be more like children in that aspect. We need to be more accepting of everyone around us instead of shunning them because we don't like something about the person. You need to look at Galatians 3:28 of the KJV Bible which states "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." Also 1 Corinthians 1:10 says "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment." Second the critical race theory is History Class. You can't change history just because it upsets your apple cart. The Bible talks about looking at where you came from and looking at where you are now to see how God has moved in your life. Well history class is a lot like this. You look back at what this country has been through and what it's going through now and see where we need to focus more. If history would be taught correctly and the teachers would actually care for their students then we would be able to get through to a lot more children of all ages about what is acceptable now verses then. but to try to erase the history of this country isn't the answer. There was racism back then and there was segregation also it was in both the North and the South. But most people only want to teach or talk about it in the south. The way the slaves were treated depended on the person that owned them not the region they were from. And if you want to get technical there were more than just black slaves there were slaves of every race and nationality. Slaves were sold by their own people or they became slaves due to working off their passage over to the new country. So no i don't believe in teaching our future generations about Divisive Concepts but I do Believe that what ya'll call Critical Race Theory is just the history of the US and it belongs in schools. If it was being taught right we wouldn't be in this situation.
Currently there is no statewide law protecting people in matters of employment, housing, and public accommodations based on their sexuality or gender identity. Proponents claim these protections are necessary for ongoing discrimination by the LGBTQ community. Opponents claim that such protections infringe upon religious beliefs. What do you believe and would you support or oppose a statewide law?
I do not believe that anyone should be discriminated against. But I also believe that if it goes against the Bible then it doesn't need done. This is a free country and part of the First Amendment rights is Freedom of Religion. The Bible tells us not to take part in sin and not to condone sin. By supporting the LGBTQ community we are condoning Sin. The people that are a part of this community is one of the reasons that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. It is clearly a sin. But I still do not believe that they should be discriminated against because of their lifestyle choices. The Bible gives free choice to everyone. We are to LOVE everyone no matter their choices. We don't have to love the sin they are in. My wife has this saying "to each their own" which she says that if it doesn't concern her she doesn't care what people choose to do with their life they have that freedom. Me and her both will stand up for someone who is getting bullied or abused no matter what the reason as long as they don't try to get us involved in their sin. Jesus LOVED everyone and that included people that were sinners like the LGBTQ community. We are to help those in need not shun them because we don't approve of their life. IT'S THEIR LIFE NOT YOURS!
Recently a revival was held at schools in Cabell and Wayne counties. The Legislature has, in recent years, passed laws to allow teaching the Bible in public schools and allowing for religious drug-prevention programs to operate in schools. What do you think the role of religion in public schools should be and why?
I believe the Bible belongs in schools, because it helps teach right from wrong and it's also part of our history. The Bible has a lot of historical information in it. This country was built from the Bible. If you want students to understand why the Constitution and the 10 Commandments are what they are you have to also teach them the Bible. The Bible talks about there being slavery and all the sins that people could commit. It also tells of how you can avoid the sins and also how to make good decisions. The Bible is full of information about different things that people could be going through. And it also helps deal with the situations you find yourself in. Some of the students don't have a choice at home to decide whether or not they even want to go to church and by having it in school it gives them that chance. People want to try and make excuses as to why they don't want their children having anything to do with the Bible but most of the time it's because they don't understand the Bible for what it is. They want the Bible to go for what they want it to go for and because it doesn't they don't like it. The Bible says a child shall lead the way, but how can they lead the way unless they are taught, and how can they be taught, but by a preacher or a teacher of His word. We are all called but not all will answer that call. And many don't know what that call is until later in life the way that this country is going. So why not have the Bible in schools so children can learn before they become adults so they can start their callings early in life. The Bible also teaches how to be respectful and taking it out of school isn't helping with that. Kids are waking worse and worse daily.
The West Virginia Senate recently unanimously adopted a resolution stating that West Virginia is prepared to welcome Ukrainian refugees. Critics have pointed out that the Legislature has recently considered legislation what would make things more difficult for refugees and immigrants to settle in West Virginia. Should West Virginia welcome refugees and immigrants? If no, why not? If yes, what can the state do to support these communities?
Yes, this is the land of the free. This country was made from immigrants and refugees from other countries. Our four fathers were all from another country. Even the American Indians were immigrants. They came across the land bridge. If we were True Americans then we would welcome people of other nationalities with open arms. Everyone needs protecting at some point and the Ukrainian War came to be because of Religious differences. There really isn't any reason that every one of the different religions should be against any other religion. We are all God's children. When and if you Get to Heaven there ain't going to be religions. We are all going to be in one mind and one accord up there. If we are going to go by the Bible then they should be welcomed in just the same way as everyone else. But they also need to respect the Americans just the same as Americans need to respect them.
There is increasing tension with communities of people who are unhoused or face housing insecurity. Police breakups of encampments are common, and municipalities have shown growing opposition to low-barrier housing and recovery housing. How would you address community concerns while protecting the rights of unhoused people?
One, the Police need to quit breaking up the encampments. Most of these people that are in the encampments are just trying to survive from day to day. They have enough stress and don't need any more added from the Police. The Police are suppose to Protect and Serve and by breaking these encampments up the aren't protecting or serving. The less fortunate are supposed to be protected and served just the same as the most fortunate. Second, if there are houses that's been abandoned the state or the county needs to fix it up and give it to someone who is trying to better their lives. No matter if they are on drugs at that time or not sign the deed over. A lot of people that are on the street don't want to be on the street but they have no other choice. Also a lot of the druggies that are out there are only on drugs because they got involved with the wrong type of people and aren't able to receive the help they need to get off the drugs. They go to these drug rehabs and get clean but then instead of helping them find a job and a place to live they just throw them back into the same situation that they came from which makes it harder for them to stay clean. If you take the low-barrier housing and the recovery housing away you will have more people on the streets. There needs to be more of the housing of these kinds. We need to come together to help and protect people that are unable to find housing. And when it comes to families that have kids instead of taking the kids from good parents that are just down on their luck we need to help them get back on their feet. When it comes to giving the houses away no rent just give them the house. You can't spend the money when you're dead and the ones that don't want to get off the drugs and stuff help them get into a homeless shelter. Don't just shun them. They need help just the same. A lot of the time if you shine your light and help someone like the Bible says to do people tend to try and turn their life around. Don't mark them off as a lost cause just because you don't feel like you're getting anywhere with them. It's all in God's timing.
Police violence has been in the forefront of national headlines for several years. Some propose more civilian oversight of law enforcement through civilian review boards that could review incidents and policies. Others view these boards as "anti-police" and point out that civilians are ill-equipped to understand the nature of police work. Do you support the use of civilian review boards? What other steps, if any, should the state take to provide transparency and accountability for police?
Yes, I support civilian review boards, because the law enforcement in some counties and towns are corrupt. So they don't look at the case as deep as they should. I believe that the Police should be mandated to wear body cams on them at all times. The body cams should be on at all times and controlled by someone that isn't part of the police force, the person should make sure that all officers body cams are turned on during their whole shift. And turn them off when they are off duty. Plus I think that they should be mandated to have dash cams on their dash and in the back window at all times that record while the cruisers are in the field whether it's running or not. This not only protects the officers but also the civilians. The civilians have the right to record the police and the cops that don't want to be recorded need to learn their laws a little better. The cops that try to abuse their badge need to be put on desk duty instead of being put out in the field. A lot of the cops that tend to abuse their badge have been tormented someway as a child and try and become a cop so they can legally torment people. There needs to be a strict background check and a psychological test done on all candidates for the police academy. They need to be put under stress tests at least once a month. The IA personnel need to come in and check all the cops records and paperwork at least 2 times a month in order to determine whether or not the cops are doing their jobs correctly. The cops need to try and do everything they can to calm a situation without violence before they resort to violence. But if the officer has to defend themselves then they have that right also. But it has to be an actual threat to their life or the life of another before they act in a defensive manner. If the officers are racist toward any race or ethnicity then they don't need to be on the force, because they are to protect everyone no matter their race or ethnicity.
Jails in West Virginia are above capacity and are bankrupting some counties. Prisons are understaffed, making them dangerous for residents and staff alike. What steps, if any, should West Virginia take to address these issues?
First, what are they in prison for? You look at the what and if it's a reason that's not a felony then you need to look at the why. Does it go against the Bible or The US Constitution and 10 Commandments? If it breaks any of these then they need to stay in prison. Any and all crimes that are committed against a child need to stay in prison if there is definite evidence against the accused. If there are any prisoners that have been wrongfully accused they need to be released on the evidence that surfaces to prove their innocence. If there's not sufficient evidence in the case they also need to be released. The ones that are trustworthy enough to work outside the prison then they should be released too, because obviously they can be trusted. Or the inmates that can be trusted and Correction Officers can do odd jobs for people that are in need of help and bring what they make back into the prison to help fund the prison. Put the ones that don't commit heinous crimes on house arrest. And make the Probation Officers not only meet with them in the office but do random inspections. Drug test all the inmates and the Correction Officers too. Second, do fund raisers to better the amenities and help fund the costs of the prisons. Make the problems known to the communities. Keeping the community aware of whats going on helps out a lot. Also, need to raise the pay, give better health care, and give them either a company car to help them get to work or give them a company gas card if they have to use their personal vehicle. The more you inform the public and communities of your need the more people are able to help. If they don't know what's going on they aren't going to know how to help.
Currently, people who are incarcerated or on probation and parole for a felony conviction are unable to vote. The West Virginia Senate Judiciary Committee passed a bill that would have expanded that right to people who are on probation and parole. When, if ever do you think people should lose their right to vote? When, if ever should that right be restored?
They shouldn't lose their right to vote. It doesn't matter if they are in prison or on probation/ parole. They are still human beings and should have a say in their country's government. Taking their rights away from them goes against the US Constitution. By the Constitution you are allowed to vote as long as you are a US Citizen no matter the circumstances you're in. If you're going to try and integrate them back into society then part of that is to give them their freedom back. If they have served their time that should be that. I understand if they committed a crime with a weapon not giving them their freedom to bear arms back due to the obvious abuse of it. But the freedom to vote should never be took from them not matter what.