We are entering a nightmare scenario.

Prison is a harmful place for youth even in the best of times, but in a pandemic the situation only gets worse.

Our facilities are overcrowded and unsanitary, making corrections workers and incarcerated youth highly susceptible to infection. Social distancing isn’t an option in these crowded conditions.

That’s why youth justice advocates across the country are coming together to demand the release of incarcerated youth amid the COVID-19 pandemic with the #FreeOurYouth campaign on social media today. 

Since we rolled out the campaign this morning, we continue to hear that the phone lines are full at the governor’s office. So please contact Governor Justice by filing a comment here: https://governor.wv.gov/Pages/SubmitaCommenttotheGovernor.aspx

Tell the governor that prison is no place for children, especially not during a global pandemic. Tell him to halt all juvenile detentions during the outbreak and to free as many youth as possible to help prevent and control the spread of this deadly disease.