Mar 12, 2025Legislature's latest attack on trans people creates confusion, opens state to potential lawsuitsPolicing gender harms everyone. Policing gender harms everyone.
Mar 6, 2025Lawmakers hard at work restricting our voting rights: Five bills to watch closely Restricting access to voting is designed to benefit the status quo. Restricting access to voting is designed to benefit the status quo.
Feb 28, 2025Despite not knowing what it is, lawmakers are ready to ban ranked-choice votingBills have advanced in both House and Senate, with lawmakers puzzled over what exactly they are outlawing. Bills have advanced in both House and Senate, with lawmakers puzzled over what exactly they are outlawing.
Feb 24, 2025There’s no civil liberties problem with requiring WV public school students to be fully vaccinatedNo right is absolute and we do not have the right to inflict harm on others. No right is absolute and we do not have the right to inflict harm on others.
Feb 13, 2025Our statement: AG isn't telling the truth about disability rights lawsuit Suit did not seek to protect Section 504, but rather asked a court to declare it unconstitutional and prohibit its enforcement. Suit did not seek to protect Section 504, but rather asked a court to declare it unconstitutional and prohibit its enforcement.
Dec 12, 2024New West Virginia Senate President Naive to Think ‘Social Issues’ Will be Taken Care of QuicklyThis piece by Advocacy Director Rusty Williams originally appeared in West Virginia Watch. This piece by Advocacy Director Rusty Williams originally appeared in West Virginia Watch.