Incoming Senate President Randy Smith told a TV news station this week that he plans to address “social issues” right away in the 2025 session.

“I would like to get anything like that out of the road so we can concentrate on economic development, creating jobs…” Smith told the station. 

I couldn’t help but find his comments naive. Quaint, even. 

“Social issues” are one of the right’s dog whistles for legislatively bullying everyone from trans kids to librarians. If Smith thinks he will ever be able to get them out of the way to focus on substantive issues, he’d better think again. 

I hate to break it to the Senate president-elect, but once you start trying to appease the anti-liberty movement, they won’t let you stop. You’ll never reach a point where their agenda is “out of the road.” Once they’ve clawed back rights from one group, they’re immediately on to the next. 

Read the rest of this piece here.