Get to know ACLU of WV Interim Executive Director, Jeff Martin. We recently sat down with Jeff to learn more about his background and why working with the ACLU continues to be a passion. Below is our Q and A.

Tell us a little bit about your background.

I was raised in Putnam County, and graduated from Winfield High School in 2002. During college at West Virginia State, I developed a serious interest in politics, policy, and advocacy. I had volunteered on some campaigns before, but I took a job on Mike Callaghan's campaign for congress in 2006. I worked on various campaigns from local to presidential. In 2008, I started working for the West Virginia Education Association (WVEA) as an Organizational Development Specialist (ODS), which is a multipurpose position that combines a union representative and issue advocate. Eventually, I resigned from that position to join the army as an airborne infantryman and serve the country that had given me so much. I deployed to Afghanistan in 2011-2012. After sustaining an injury during deployment, I got medically released from the army and decided to go back to school to get my law degree and a Masters of Public Administration. During the first semester of law school I was asked by the current ACLU-WV ED, Jennifer Meinig, about restarting the chapter at the College of Law and sitting on the board. Since then, I became politically active again, consulted on a few campaigns, and now I'm here.


What about the ACLU of WV's mission most resonates with you?

I am a firm believer in equal rights and protections. The ACLU has been a leader is protecting those rights and giving a voice to the under-represented and voiceless. Behind every issue is a person. We have to look at how decisions affect people, and I truly believe the ACLU of WV has done that for West Virginians.


What are you most looking forward to about being Interim Executive Director?

I've always been very passionate about public service, especially serving the people of this state.
I am looking forward to tackling the issues that our state faces. I'm also excited about educating West Virginians on their rights and how legislation impacts the citizens.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I enjoy a good book (fiction and nonfiction), spending time outdoors, and going to baseball games. I recently started watching Game of Thrones, so that takes up some time. When I have bigger chunks of time, I love to travel. Because I'm somewhat of a foodie, my travels usually involve finding interesting restaurants.