Name Bradley "B.J." Rinard

Office Sought House of Delegates

Party Affiliation Democrat

District 86

City/Town Wardensville

The US Supreme Court will decide Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization this summer, which some have speculated may overturn Roe v. Wade.  If there were no Constitutional protections for abortion, what do you think West Virginia's abortion policies should be?

I'm pro choice, I think the women should have tha say over their own bodies.

Several West Virginia municipalities have passed ordinances that expand the definition of racial discrimination to include discriminating against traditional or natural hair textures and styles.  Would you support expanding this protection statewide?  Why or why not?

I would support expanding the protection state wide. Every one should have the same fair shake when it comes to getting jobs, and living the best life we can live.

Many states have created laws that seek to limit the teaching of "divisive concepts" or "critical race theory".  West Virginia narrowly missed passing a similar law during the 2022 Legislative Session.   What is the value or harm in teaching these topics and what role should the legislature play in determining this curriculum?

Students should learn the true history and modern day events that has happened and is happening today. They need to be taught all the good, the bad and the ugly that has been and is going on. The legislature should not have a role in whether the curriculum being taught whether they think its "divisive concepts", or everyday run of the mill curriculum.

Currently there is no statewide law protecting people in matters of employment, housing, and public accommodations based on their sexuality or gender identity.  Proponents claim these protections are necessary for ongoing discrimination by the LGBTQ community.  Opponents claim that such protections infringe upon religious beliefs.  What do you believe and would you support or oppose a statewide law?

I think we need some kind of state law protecting all people in the state, LGBTQ community is too often targeted and discriminated against. I would support a law protecting there rights.

Recently a revival was held at schools in Cabell and Wayne counties.  The Legislature has, in recent years, passed laws to allow teaching the Bible in public schools and allowing for religious drug-prevention programs to operate in schools.  What do  you think the role of religion in public schools should be and why?

The teaching of the Bible in public schools should be optional to the students and parents if they choose to take part in the teaching. No one should be forced to attend any classes or revivals that they dont feel comfortable in attending. West Virginia is becoming a more diverse state everyday and the religious and or non religious beliefs should not be forced on anyone.

The West Virginia Senate recently unanimously adopted a resolution stating that West Virginia is prepared to welcome Ukrainian refugees.  Critics have pointed out that the Legislature has recently considered legislation what would make things more difficult for refugees and immigrants to settle in West Virginia.  Should West Virginia welcome refugees and immigrants?  If no, why not?  If yes, what can the state do to support these communities?

The U.S. was founded by immigrants most of our ancestors came to this new land to make a living, and thus I think should be the case for Ukrainians or any immigrants should be welcomed into our state. West Virginia has a rainy day fund surplus that could be used to help with housing and training to get the refugees on their feet to begin to live the American Dream

There is increasing tension with communities of people who are unhoused or face housing insecurity.  Police breakups of encampments are common, and municipalities have shown growing opposition to low-barrier housing and recovery housing.  How would you address community concerns while protecting the rights of unhoused people?

I think WV should invest in Shelters and work with job training these un housed individuals to help get them back on their feet and running for the finish line.

Police violence has been in the forefront of national headlines for several years.  Some propose more civilian oversight of law enforcement through civilian review boards that could review incidents and policies.  Others view these boards as "anti-police" and point out that civilians are ill-equipped to understand the nature of police work.  Do you support the use of civilian review boards?  What other steps, if any, should the state take to provide transparency and accountability for police?

I would be in favor of civilian review boards, this would set up another line of transparency with the police and with these boards brings more public knowledge of the policing in the state.

Jails in West Virginia are above capacity and are bankrupting some counties.  Prisons are understaffed, making them dangerous for residents and staff alike.  What steps, if any, should West Virginia take to address these issues?

One of the biggest problems with the jails is a majority of those jailed are for minor crimes. Decriminalizing cannabis would help with the over population problem. Instead of jailing have a better system in place for drug rehabilitation.

Currently, people who are incarcerated or on probation and parole for a felony conviction are unable to vote.  The West Virginia Senate Judiciary Committee passed a bill that would have expanded that right to people who are on probation and parole.  When, if ever do you think people should lose their right to vote?  When, if ever should that right be restored?

I think the right to vote is an American right that should not be taken away unless you a convicted of treason against the United States other then that everyone should be able to vote.