2024 HOD Candidate Questionnaire Response

Name Dr. Joseph de Soto

Office Sought House of Delegates

Party Affiliation Republican

District 91

Your Hometown Gerrardstown

Campaign Website www.drjosephdesoto.com

On June 24, 2022, the US Supreme Court overturned Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, effectively overturning Roe v. Wade. As a result, the WV legislature enacted a near total ban on abortion less than three months later. With no access to or Constitutional protections for abortion, what do you think abortion policy should look like in West Virginia?

Abortion should be banned after 2 months exception rape, incest, deformity, mental retardation, health of the mother

Several West Virginia municipalities have passed ordinances that expand the definition of racial discrimination to include discriminating against traditional or natural hair textures and styles. Would you support expanding this protection statewide?  Why or why not?

I am a minority and even though I ran as a Republican I was under constant racial attack. Yes, protection should be extended state wide

Many states have created laws that seek to limit the teaching of "divisive concepts" or "critical race theory".  West Virginia narrowly missed passing a similar law during the 2022 Legislative Session.   What is the value or harm in teaching these topics and what role should the legislature play in determining this curriculum?

These have no place prior to college. WV is 50th in education, we need to focus on reading , writing, arithmetic

Currently there is no statewide law protecting people in matters of employment, housing, and public accommodations based on their sexuality or gender identity. Proponents claim these protections are necessary to end the ongoing discrimination against the LGBTQ community. Opponents claim that such protections infringe upon religious beliefs. What do you believe and would you support or oppose a statewide law?

Those who are gay are born that way. They should be protected. There is no scientific evidence that transgenders or lesbians are born that way...only that this is a mental illness, Thus, limited protection for gays only. I am a physician with three doctorates I go by scientific evidence not wishful thinking

During the 2024 legislative session, the Senate passed legislation mandating, “In God We Trust” be posted in all West Virginia schools and permitting teachers to discuss ‘creationism’ and ‘intelligent design creationism’ as part of public-school science curricula. What role do you think religion should play in the public school system, and why?

This is nuanced, but all religions support intelligent design except the religion of atheism. Creationism is also a validated alternative concept supported by many physicists. Hence, as long as terms such as Jesus, Krishna, Buddha are kept out it is okay. It is not okay if it seems to be favoring one religion

In 2023, West Virginia lawmakers passed HB2007, severely restricting access to gender affirming healthcare services for West Virginians under the age of 18. Proponents of the legislation claimed it was about keeping kids safe, and opponents argued in favor of parental rights and medical freedom. What role, if any, do you believe government should play regarding medical decisions relating to gender affirming healthcare services, and why?

Chemical castration is wrong and a form of child abuse whether it is done by the medical community or doctors. Even the liberal countries in Europe are banning it I am a physician with three doctorates....

Though abolished in 1965, lawmakers have introduced multiple bills designed to reinstate the death penalty. What are your thoughts on capital punishment in general, and would you support or oppose the effort to reinstate the death penalty in West Virginia?

No. it falls on minorities and the poor

There is increasing tension with communities of people who are unhoused or face housing insecurity. Police breakups of encampments are common, and municipalities have shown growing opposition to low-barrier housing and recovery housing. How would you address community concerns while protecting the rights of unhoused people?

I was homeless once, in college and I worked full time. I am not opposed to low barrier housing or recovery housing. For God sakes we shouldnt have any homeless individuals

Police violence has been in the forefront of national headlines for several years.  Some propose more civilian oversight of law enforcement through civilian review boards that could review incidents and policies.  Others view these boards as "anti-police" and point out that civilians are ill-equipped to understand the nature of police work.  Do you support the use of civilian review boards?  What other steps, if any, should the state take to provide transparency and accountability for police?

Yes. I support police review board. I was beaten and tortured by the police twice when younger due t0 race only and was never convicted of anything

Jails in West Virginia are above capacity and are bankrupting some counties.  Prisons are understaffed, making them dangerous for residents and staff alike.  What steps, if any, should West Virginia take to address these issues?

Decriminalize drugs

Currently, people coming out of incarceration on probation, parole, or supervised release for a felony conviction are unable to vote. When, if ever, do you think people should lose their right to vote?  When, if ever, should that right be restored?

Their right to vote should be restored once they due their time and/or are off parole and probation. Cant punish  someone for life unless they killed someone intentionally

Across the country, there is controversy about what is obscene.  Often these focus on sexual education, content that discusses sexual orientation or gender identity, profanity, and references to sex.  This controversy has led to renewed attempts to censor or restrict access to controversial material.  What do you think is the proper role of the government in restrict material like this and where do you draw the line at what is obscene?

Obscene,,,,limit to adults around  those under 18 in the classroom. outside of that I take the first amendments seriously to the point obscenity doesnt exist with adults, or with parents and their children